October 22, 2024

Waste your money doing it once!

Good Morning
Years ago when I was working for a radio station selling commercial time, I and everyone else sold our clients a schedule of commercials. Only on very rare occasions did you sell just one 30-second commercial.
While watching television I see the same commercial over and over. Playing the same or similar commercials for the same company or for the same product is called frequency. Frequency is the targeting of people multiple times within a specified period of time.
So here is why I’m telling you all this. In using mail for advertising your product or services, a one-time shot does not work in most cases. When you’re targeting new prospects, you need to mail to them a number of times and for the same reason radio and television put out multiple messages: so that you’re remembered.
A one-time shot works either when the audience really knows, trusts and likes you (your customers, for instance), or when you make a really outrageous offer.
Mail can target and reach your prospects better than most media, but you have to do it more than once.
Need more customers? Then just give me a call at 817-282-0443 or email me at Phil@TheFreedmanCompany.com and we can get together.
Till next week

Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!

Philip Freedman

Doctor of Customer Retention

P.S. Reach the right customers for only $1.57 per full color jumbo postcard; list, printing and postage included. Call 817-282-0443 or reply to this email for details.