October 22, 2024

Weekly Marketing Tip


Here is my 1st of my weekly marketing tips that you can use to help grow your business. It will take no more than 5 minutes to read this weekly tip. From now these tips will have it own page on this blog
I hope that you you find them useful. If you have any tip, please feel free to submit them.  You can email me at: TFC@Freedcom.com
Have a great and profitable day!
Phil Freedman
The Freedman Company


Best Time/Day to Send Emails
Permission-based email deliverability rates vary by as much as 10 percent, depending on the day of the week and time of the day the mailing was sent.
Best advice
The best days seem to be beginning of the  week for b-to-b and Saturday and Sunday for b-to-c.
Source: Return Path
The other good time is PM -6 PM Mondays. Remember, just because it arrives in their mailbox, does not mean they will read it. You must have something that your reads will be interested in, remember WIIFM!
Final Note:


The worst times of the week to mail, are Saturday and Sunday between 10 am and 2 PM, when deliverability rates are 9.5% and 10.1% below average, respectively. That 10 am to 2 PM time slot, when mail traffic  generally is higher, consistently rated in the lowest tier throughout the week.
The best times to mail include between 6 am and 10 am when deliverability rises by 2% and on Monday. 


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