March 24, 2025

Reaching The Hard To Reach

Good Morning

A lot of people, including my clients, have my cell phone number and then tend to give it out to others who want to contact me. That being said, I answer every call if possible whether I recognize the number or not. So I get a lot of no one on the line or people wanting to buy my house.

My office phone gets people calling for family members (???) or trying to get me to take out loans or buy stocks. Again I have to answer each call; it might be a new client! This means I really cannot answer only calls from numbers I recognize on either my office or cell phone.

I do understand people who only answer calls from numbers they know; no one wants to put up with all the crap calls! The same goes with emails. I scan the from and subject lines and highlight the junk ones and delete them without opening them. On Facebook and LinkedIn, I am very selective on what I view. I know that other people are doing the same thing.

So if people are screening their calls and emails and being very selective on their social media viewing, how do you reach people who are not seeking out your business?

Well, most businesses do post items to their social media accounts hoping people will maybe if they are lucky repost it. Post new items to their website so the search engines pick up on it and move them up on search page, when people search the business’ key words.

But how do you reach the people who are not searching or social media surfing?

Please send me your method. Best answer wins a prize and I’ll tell you my solution as well next week. Send your answer by replying to this email or email me at .

Until next time!


P.S. If you have enjoyed these marketing tips, you can leave me a review at this link.


If you have a business that is two years or older and would like help keeping your current customers active and away from your competition or would like to make your past customers current again, then contact me by clicking here or call me at 817-616-5155.
