October 22, 2024

Last Thing You Need To Do Is Market/Advertise Your Business.

Good Morning
Lots of people want to go into business for themselves. They either use their life savings or they get a loan to get the business going. They spend all their money on lease holdings, equipment, stock, personnel and other things. When I talk to them it is usually after they open. I ask the question: what is your approximate marketing/advertising budget? In most cases they have no money left to market/advertise their business.
A number of years ago a business owner joined the local chamber of commerce months before his own store was to open. During that time he attended all the chamber events he could and any other public event. He promoted his business and posted updates about the progress of finishing out his store. He also set aside funds for marketing the opening of his store in the months that followed. I was brought in to help boost sales even more. His store became one of the top stores in his local franchise area. He later sold his business for a tidy profit.
Just recently I was asked to consult on the reopening of a business that had closed due to a fire about two years ago and was about to reopen. I was told they had very little to no funds for marketing. Since the GM is a good friend I laid out a course of action that could be done with $500 to $1,000 a month and a lot of free buzz on the Internet. The owner (who really does not believe in marketing or advertising) thought that all they had do was mention on Facebook the business was reopening and that all the past customers would flock back to the business. Some did; they had business for the first couple of weeks. But then business dropped off to the point that they are not sure they will be able to keep the doors open.
My friend is still trying to get the owner to market/advertise their business while there is still time.
Which one of the above business owners are you?
Need more customers? Then just give me a call at 817-282-0443 or email me at Phil@TheFreedmanCompany.com and we can get together.
Till next week

Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!

Philip Freedman

Doctor of Customer Retention

P.S. Reach the right customers with 3 full-color jumbo postcards mailed within 45 days, including list, printing and postage. Early Bird special pricing call 817-282-0443 or reply to this email for details.