October 22, 2024


Good Morning  

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I attended, participated in or watched (not sure of the correct term) a live webinar on 7 ways to get free leads hosted by Kim Walsh-Phillips, a leading social media expert. She presented some great information, but  there was one main point, which was always there but just under the surface.

Your list!

This is sometimes better known as your customer list, prospect list, email list, marketing list, etc. This is the go-to list when you want to increase sales for your business. If you already have a good list, keep it in good shape and use it on a consistent basis. Also keep adding to it; don’t limit its size or the amount of information it contains. Bigger is better!

If for some reason you don’t have a list or it’s small,  you need to grow it. Here are a few things you can do: You can spend some money and purchase a list, the fastest way to build a list. You can ask your customers for their information and build your list this way, which can be slow but very profitable. 

One of the best ways to build your list is by asking people who meet your customer profile for their information in exchange for something they want. You can give them a free report, checklist, book or something else of value for their information.

A good example of this is Brad Parker of the Parker Law Firm, who wrote the book ” Commercial Vehicle Collision in Texas.” He gives the book away for people’s information. If you don’t want to write a book (which you should, but that’s for another day), you can develop a report or a series of reports on your industry. 

Lots of reports are titled: “The (number) Secrets of Y Industry  They Will Never Tell You That Will Save You Money!”  or something like that. People love “hidden secrets” reports because they think they will get insider information. Checklists are also very popular. People like checking off items that they have accomplished or completed. Guides or infographics are also very popular as giveaways!

Whatever you decide to give away, make sure that it’s something that your ideal prospect/customer would want.
Nowadays there are many ways to get the word out, distribute your giveaway and collect prospects’ information. Questions? Email me!

For a free checklist on 7 Proven, Powerful Ways To Increase Income         Just Click here to download it.

Keep Your Customers From Going To Your Competition! Learn more by Clicking Here.
Till next time, Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action NOW!

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement

P.S. I can help you uncover the gold in your business. Click Here or Email me or call 81