October 22, 2024

Better Mouse Trap and Tell The World

Good Morning
Last week I wrote about opportunities to gain and had a quiz about how many there were. Chuck Lanham Sr. was the winner of a Starbucks or Subway gift card. Chuck, please let me know which one you want.
His answer was 50. The electrician has 50 homes to sell to. The correct answer is 51 because I have an opportunity to sell my marketing services to him.
Thanks to everyone who sent me an answer.
This ties in nicely to this week’s tip. Expressing your competitive advantage.
If you want to be successful in business, you must have a competitive advantage over your competition. If you don’t, then get out of business NOW! The big problem is not that most businesses don’t have a competitive advantage, it’s that businesses have trouble expressing it.
When thinking about how to express your advantage, think about it in terms of your clients or customers, not your business. Who are your clients, specifically? Who are they not?
Also think about how you help people get what they want out of life.
You should also make your customers feel at home or comfortable, so they are confident that you will solve their problems with as little discomfort as possible.
If you want to have a successful business, you not only have to have a competitive advantage, you must be able to tell everyone effectively what it is. The days of just building a better mouse trap are long gone. Now you must also get out the message about why your mouse trap is better, and do it much better than your competition does.
Need more customers and need to inform them why they should do business with you? Then just give me a call at 817-282-0443 or email me at Phil@TheFreedmanCompany.com and we can get together.
Till next week

Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!

Philip Freedman

Doctor of Customer Retention

P.S. Reach the right customers with 3 full-color jumbo postcards mailed within 45 days, including list, printing and postage. For low Quick Action Takers pricing, call 817-282-0443 or reply to this email for details.