October 22, 2024

Facts and Numbers

Good Morning,
Today I would like to share some facts and figures;
A survey was conducted in 2020 and was published in Annual State of Marketing Communications Consumer Survey: Keypoint Intelligence. The question was asked “In total, how many marketing messages does it usually require for you to take action?”
For print channels 13% required one message, 38% 2-3, 20% 4-5, and 11% 5 or more, 18% unknown. For digital channels it was 14% for one, 37% for 2-3 messages, 4-5 was 21%, 5 of more 12% and unknown was 17%. Almost the same for both print and digital, but most people need at least 2-3 messages for them to take action.
The business that sends out just one message is leaving a lot of money on the table!
How many emails do you get each day? How many do you look at or even open? The Direct Marketing Association has found the average response rate for emails is 0.12% compared to direct mail, which is 4.4%. No wonder your emails are not getting any response.
If you’re going to send out emails, the best days according to MailChimp are Wednesday and Thursday followed by Tuesday. And the best times for sending those emails is 1-3pm (9-11am is recommended as well). MailChimp suggests 2 pm as the optimal send time based on their data.
This information should help you make your messaging more effective. Till next time,