February 22, 2025


Good Morning ,A number of months ago my dentist friend and client said he thought a recession was coming based on what he was hearing. At the time I said I doubt it, based on what the experts were saying and the state of the economy at the time.In the last few weeks I've been reading a lot of news … [Read more...]

Recession Marketing

Good Morning,Happy St. Patrick's Day!I like to take a moment to wish everyone a very Happy St. Patrick's Day! This week a friend and client emailed me with a question. I thought I would share it and my answer with you.After the Covid crisis, I think we are entering a deep recession like the one in … [Read more...]

Being Prepared

Good Morning  I saw this report and thought I should share it with you:"The economy is growing at its slowest rate since 2016: Gross domestic product, which measures the value of goods and services produced inside the United States, grew at a 2.1 percent annual rate between October and December, the … [Read more...]

Recession and Your Business

Good Morning  A few weeks ago I wrote about whether we were going to have a recession.  Click here to read it. A few people contacted me about it, stating that they don't think we will have one. I mentioned that we might not have it this year, but maybe next year. At any rate we are due for one. … [Read more...]