October 22, 2024

Touch Your Customers

Good Morning
Every week you receive this really great marketing tip. This tip is one of the ways I stay in touch with you. I also send out a Monday Morning Motivator. Over the course of a year, you will get almost 100 emails. That’s a lot!
If I have your mailing address, you might also get post cards, a newsletter and other items from me. These are all what are called touches. The more you touch your customers and prospects, the more they will remember you. You stay top of the mind; so when they need the products and services you offer, they’ll use you.
At minimum you should reach out at least once a month. The best way is through a printed newsletter (they have a higher readability factor and pass around factor than emailed newsletters). Weekly contact is great, which can include emails. Posting on social media counts only if they, your customers and prospects, do not have to seek out the posting (with Facebook, they have to like your company page) but it shows up in their feed.
Remember that you can lose 20-25% of your customer base each year. The most common reason people stop doing business with companies is that they forget about them; the companies never keep in touch.
How many times and ways are you touching your customers and prospects?
Save time and stress!
We can address, stuff and stamp your Christmas and holiday cards, as well as your invitations and calendars. Call or email us to remove your stress this season!
Until next week,
Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!
 Philip Freedman
Your Doctor of Customer Retention