October 22, 2024

You People Are All The Same!


 “All you people do the same thing. It doesn’t matter who I use or where I buy, it’s all the same. I always go with the lowest price because you’re just a commodity!”

How many times have you heard that or something like it? How often have you spent time with prospects, worked them through their problems and helped them develop a solution (of course we’re using you, they may have said), and then you heard, “Sorry, but…” It makes you feel like, well, you know how you felt.

 Well, guess what? You screwed up! Yes, you did!

Why do I tell you this? Because the statistical evidence on this subject suggests that people make their purchasing decisions based on such factors as (but are not limited to) dependability, quality, customer service, turn-around time, ease of doing business, personal relationships, the ability to meet or exceed customer expectations and others.

When prospects don’t have any other information, then they have to base their buying decisions on price; so unless you’re Walmart, you lose.

When I work with new clients, I ask, “What makes you different from your competition?” I get a lot of “Ah, not much, we do the same thing as them.” Or “we give great customer service.” Prove it!

You have to differentiate yourself from your competition, and then you will not have to compete on price and you will no longer be considered only a commodity.

What do you think? Let me know by dropping me a note at tfc@freedcom.com If you need help to identify what makes you different, call me at 817-282-0443 to find out about my next workshop on how to stand out from your competition.

 Till next week – Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action


The Freedman Co.