October 22, 2024

When you get sick

Good Day 
This is the season that people are out with either a cold or the flu. What do you do when you are sick? Take the time off and let your business suffer, go in and carry on as if you’re not sick, or something in-between?  An old friend of mine once said that it takes 3 days to recover for every day you’re out. Over the years, I think I’ve proven him correct. When you are out sick or just taking time off like during the past holidays, do you have a system in place that will keep marketing and promoting your business? Will sales still get made and orders fulfilled?
Automated systems such as auto responders, prescheduling Facebook or Twitter, email blasts and other types of social media posts can get the word out when you can’t. There are automated systems for traditional media such as thank you cards, direct mail sales letters and post cards that you can put in place as well as backup systems to help with order fulfillment.
With the correct systems in place you should never have to lose a day of sales because of sickness or relaxation. Another benefit of having an automated system is that it keep a few of the warning signs of Lost Customer Syndrome at bay.
To find out which warning signs, go to www.7SignsOfLCS.com and download your free copy of the report.
After you read your free report sign up for a free consultation with the prescription to treat and immunize yourself from Lost Customer Syndrome.
Until next week,
Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!
Dr. Philip Freedman C.A.R.E.

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement
P.S. NOW, Discover the 7 Warning Signs of LCS, Go to www.7SignsOfLCS.com & Get a FREE LCS Diagnosis and Consultation!