October 22, 2024


Good Day 
The checklist that I have been working on for the last few weeks is done. The title is: “7 Proven, Powerful Ways To Increase Income.”   I am now building a web page for people to be able to download the checklist. I am using a Customer Relationship Management program that I will be offering to you to use as part of my Marketing Medicine Cabinet.
How do you get new business in the door? Do you cold call, send out an advertising piece, network or what? Do you have a standard script for calling or a marketing piece you use that brings them in time and time again? If you do, you have what is know as a “control.” Over time your control will bring in fewer and fewer customers. As marketing expert Bob Hacker said: “You need a replacement-fast! If you cannot come up with one or more new controls-quickly-you will be out of business and frantically updating your résumé.”
In fact you should always be testing your control against new marketing pieces and the one that does better becomes your new control. By continuously testing you will not suffer drop off, but will increase your customer base.
If you want to discover more about controls, setting them up, testing methods, and evaluation, just let me know.
Until next time,
Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!
Dr. Philip Freedman C.A.R.E.

Philip Freedman

Your Doctor of Customer Acquisition, Retention and Enhancement
P.S. NOW, Discover the 7 Warning Signs of Lost Customer Syndrome,  Go to   
www.7SignsOfLCS.com & Get a FREE report and Consultation!