October 22, 2024

Easy Way To Get More Sales , But You Won’t Do It!

I’ve taken a new approach when helping owners advertise/market their business. I will be real honest with them and tell them what they don’t want to hear: If you want to get more sales, then you are going to have to spend money to get them. That means you have to be willing and able to do so. Also I tell them that if they are targeting anyone other than their current active customers, then they need to contact them multiple times within a relative short time period.
Most business will stop after the first contact. Some reasons they stop: cost, low response rate, time, fear.  Studies have shown that only 3% of a targeted group are ready to buy now, and only another 6-7% are open to it. No wonder businesses get a low response. Thirty percent of the group are not thinking about it, 30% don’t think they’re interested and the last 30% know they’re not interested.
You should also know that 2% of sales are made on the first contact
3% of sales are made on the second contact.
5% of sales are made on the third contact.
10% are made on the fourth contact.
80% are made on the fifth contact.
And most businesses only do one contact!
I’m also telling them that you have to look at your message through your customers’ eyes. What you think is important may not be to the potential customers.
Get over your name! The owner’s name is not the headline or the most important piece of information.
When you make the offer, make it something they want, not something you have on hand or can get cheaply. If you give a discount, give a great discount, not the wimpy 10 or 15%. if you really want to get a great response try a discount of 50%, 75%  or more.
If a business can handle all that and understand what they must do to get sales, then I’ll help them.
Now what about you? Are you ready to increase sales?
Till Next Week –

 Remember – Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!


PS. I will be out of the office March 26-31 to attend the GKIC Marketing SuperConference. See you when I get back.