October 22, 2024

I Will Not Get Over It, I’m The Customer

Good Morning

 I got a business card from a business owner the other day. She has the type of business that is usually a brick-and-mortar retail location. But on her business card, she listed only the company name, phone number, and web site.

 No location or email address. The only way I can contact her business is to call or go to the web. At the web site is all the information: Location, contact information, I can even place an order online.

 What’s the big deal then? Just go to the web site or just call. Just get over it.


 What if I wanted to just pick up what she is selling? You know, one of those spur of the moment things. Or what if I wanted to send her an email? Why then, should I, the customer, have to call or visit a web site first to find out where the business is or obtain the email address?

 What most business owners forget is that it’s all about The Customer.

 It’s about making it very easy for the customer to contact the business, not about what’s easier for the owner or staff.

 You should list every way possible for someone to contact you and do business with you!

 This Friday, February 22, I will have a booth at the HEB Chamber Business Expo at The Hurst Conference Center from 10 am till 3 pm. I will be giving away some marketing books and other items, so come by and say hello.

 I will also be offering a few show specials like an analysis of your marketing program with a 60-minute consultation for only $50.00 and 250 full-color jumbo postcards printed and addressed with postage included for the low, unheard of price of … Well you just have to come to the Business Expo to find out how low the price will be.

Till next week – Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action


The Freedman Co.

 P.S. Call or email  for your free copy of Big Idea Event Marketing Catalogue.


  1. Nila says:


    I Will Not Get Over It, I’m The Customer | Making Direct Response Marketing Work For You…