October 22, 2024

Referrals, Why you want them and how to get them

Good Morning

Each month I conduct a free mini seminar on marketing your business. More about this month’s at the end of this tip.

The last seminar’s subject was on 10 ways to increase your referrals by 10 per month. This week I will cover a few of the 10 ways to increase referrals.

But first let’s start with why you want referrals.

 1) Referrals are more interested in you and your product or service

2) They are presold on you beforehand

3) Some of them are ready to buy from you without your having to hard sell them.

Now let’s go over reasons for untapped referral potential

1) Customers feel they are taken for granted, that they are expected to just give referrals

2) Erroneous notion that satisfaction equals referrals. “They are satisfied with my work, therefore…”

3) The fear that you, yourself are too busy to get more referrals

4) Out of sight out of mind. “Once you have done the job, they forget about you unless…”

Here are a few of the 10 ways to increase your referrals by 10 per month

 Create a referral culture.  Make your customers want to give you referrals. Do you thank them for the referral? Do you ask for them?

Do a customer newsletter right. Don’t have more than 33% of the newsletter about your products or services. No hard selling. The rest of the content should be on other things including recognizing clients and referrals (see above).

Pass along helpful resources to others such as white papers, special reports, etc. …. Make customers the source of referrals, not part of the sales force.

More next week!


What Is Your Customer Worth To You? How Much Does It Really Cost You To Get A Customer?

Don’t Know? Then You Need to Attend the next meeting of “My Marketing Group.” We’ll meet JULY 30th. Bring someone with you.

 The meeting is at Panera Bread, 1804 Precinct Line Rd., Hurst from 11:30 am -1 pm. It is free to attend.

Open menu. We meet in the meeting room straight back from the main entrance. Seating is limited, so get there early. Don’t miss this chance to learn how to market your business and get more customers. Contact me for more information.




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Get Predictable, Raving, Repeat CUSTOMERS!

At: www.BreakthroughMarketingSuccess.com


That’s all for now!

Till next week – Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action


The Freedman Co.


  1. It was interesting reading your process for getting more referrals as it may yield more profit margins not only for yourself, but for your company. Good read.

    • Phil Freedman says

      Sorry It took so long to reply. Figured out how to reply. Thank you for the comment. I hope you check out the tips each week