January 9, 2025

Customer Service is NOT a USP, So Stop Using It!

Good Morning You are able to view past pages of my new book under the tab "My BS" at: www.TheFreedmanCompany.com I was going to write about your customers, but as with all first drafts, things can change. As I was thinking about what to write, I thought that before I wrote about your … [Read more...]

The True Marketing Secret To Getting More Business

Good Morning I get a lot of people asking me how to get more customers at the lowest possible cost. Well, after years of research and learning from other great thought leaders, I can pass on the Number 1 secret to getting more customers. You need to set aside at least 2 hours per week for … [Read more...]

Hey, Get Your Behind in Gear

Do you know what October 1st was besides my wedding anniversary (31 years in case your interested)? It's the start of the the 4th quarter, the start of fall and almost the start of the holiday season. This is also the time you should be planning how you're going to end this year and start the … [Read more...]

What I learned on NPR about Adam Tanner

Good Morning The other day when I was driving from the post office after listening to the traffic and after I had heard the same news story for the third time, I switched the radio from the news station to the local NPR station. I was half listening when I heard the magic words "Life Time … [Read more...]

Are you forced to send out crap?

Good Morning I look at the ads I get, and I've seen some crap in the last few weeks. Most of the ads have been developed by the home/corporate office or their ad agency and given to the local branch or franchisee to run with only minor changes. Here are some of the things they do: 1. They … [Read more...]

More Answers To Making Money From Your Web Site

Good Morning Last week I gave you the answers to some of the critical questions that your website needs to answer. I got the questions (I reworked them to fit your business) from my good friend Lisa Weber, RDH (Registered Dental Hygienist) and dental coach who is known as the $600KRDH … [Read more...]