October 22, 2024

Why Are You Here? It’s Not To Get Business Obviously.

Good Morning

One of the leads group that I go to does a networking tip of the week. This week, I gave the tip and would like to tell it to you here.

 Have you ever gone to a networking event where you had to RSVP, maybe had to get a ticket, and pay a fee? Now you’re talking to someone and are interested in them and what they do so you ask the big question – not “Can I get you a refill?” but “Can I have your business card so I can call you next week and see how you can help me?”

Guess what happens next? They say either “I forgot to bring cards,” “I only brought a few and gave them all out” or the one I like the most is “Business cards? We were supposed to bring business cards?”

Sometimes, I just want to hit these people up side their head and ask, “What are you thinking? You come to a business networking event and you don’t come prepared? You don’t want more business do you?”

If you’re here for just the food and drinks, then don’t wear a name tag or change it to “I’m just here for the food and drinks.” Full discloser here: I’ve been to an after-hours mixer that I just went to for the food and drinks and did not really want to network, but ended up talking to two people and one became a client. By the way, I still had my business cards on me.

I almost always have my business cards on me wherever I go, even to Home Depot on a Saturday morning or food shopping. You never know when you will pick up a new client.

The next time I run into you, show me your business card!

 Till next week – Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action


The Freedman Co.