October 22, 2024

Best Use Of Your Marketing Dollars

With all the methods of communicating with your customers and prospects out there today, let me remind you why mail (snail mail) is your best choice and worth the expense.
There is less competition in your mailbox for your attention. People and most businesses are using Facebook, Linked-In, texting and emailing to communicate. This tells us two things: A lot of people’s in-boxes are packed, so nothing stands out to be read and acted upon (most of it ends up in the trash folder).
Also when people pick up their physical mail, there isn’t much to distract them from your message. Plus people tend to read their mail right away.
Sending mail is like talking to them without any distractions. When a prospect sits down and reads your sales piece, you have their attention all to yourself. With emails, Facebook and other electronic media something is always happening to divert their attention. Do you want to sell to them one-on-one or in a very crowded field?
Buyers who come from mail tend to have a higher lifetime value. Craig Simpson, a colleague and one of the nation’s leading direct mail consultants, did a study that found:
  • Online buyers spend the least amount of money over time.
  • TV buyers spend double what online buyers do.
  • And direct mail buyers had a value double that of TV buyers and triple that of online buyers.
You need to keep all this in mind the next time you’re about to spend your dollars or time on the Internet. Mail could well be the best use of your money.
Need help developing your marketing systems?
Then just give me a call at 817-282-0443 or email me at Phil@TheFreedmanCompany.com and we can get together.
Till next week

Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action, NOW!

Philip Freedman

Doctor of Customer Retention

P.S. Reach the right customers with 3 full-color jumbo postcards mailed within 45 days, including list, printing and postage. For only $1.57 per card, call 817-282-0443 or reply to this email for details.