February 23, 2025

Be the business that stands out in your market

Have you ever noticed that in every industry there are one or two businesses that stand out among the others? They always have customers and are doing well no matter the time of year or the state of the economy. There is something about the business that draws you to it. You're not sure what it is, … [Read more...]

Glazer-Kennedy Info-Marketing Summit 1st day

It the end of the 1st day of the Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle Info-Marketing Summit. I am in Baltimore , Inner Harbor area. The summit starts at 8 am  and ran until 8:30 in the evening.  Dan Kennedy started with a talk title "build it right and they will come" He gave us a basic rundown on the … [Read more...]

Now using Hootsuite

Now using Hootsuite … [Read more...]

Blogs can get you customers

Yes, you can get customers using blogs if you give people good usefully information that they can use. This will keep people coming back. Remeber to keep it simple and do not speak above them. Talk with them instead. No techo speak. What way's do you usew to talk to your customers? … [Read more...]

3rd day of GKIC Social Media Money Magnet

[wpvideo nsf8c7Sq]Here is day 3. Want more contact me at tfc@freedcom.com. … [Read more...]

Day 2 at Social Media Money Magnet

[wpvideo 1z3KJXQf]Just finished day 2 . I have a evening session, but I wanted to give you the rules for marketing on social media. By the way this is good to use with all media and in all your marketing efforts. … [Read more...]