October 22, 2024

Just Wait and We’ll See What Happens… Guess What Happens?

I got back from 4 days of learning a lot of new cutting-edge marketing, but they also reviewed a lot of old school marketing and sales. We do not have to always use the latest and greatest cutting edge whiz bang thing to get customers to our door. In most cases, going back to the basics and doing the old school stuff will bring them in just as well and sometimes even better. To find out more, come to Monday’s meeting of ‘My Marketing Group.’ (More information about that below.)

The other day I stopped at a new (open 3 weeks) business to get lunch before an appointment. It was a small fast food place in a shopping plaza. The owner was running the cash register.

After placing my order and paying, I turned back around and asked how long the business had been there and he told me he’s been open for 3 weeks. I then asked what he was doing to market the business. Well the answer floored me. He told me he’s not doing anything and is just waiting a bit. I told him what I do (direct mail) and gave him my card. I did not tell him what I wanted to tell him. But I’ll tell you what I should have said:

“You have not done any marketing yet. What are you waiting for? How are you driving sales? How are you letting people know you’re here? (You’re not real visible from the road.) What are you doing to get them to come back? You did nothing to get me to come back, no bounce back coupon or even give me a frequent user card, you know buy 9 and get the 10th free (also very cheap to make). You didn’t collect my name, address or email to build a mailing list to send me specials each week. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Have you even read any of the hundreds of marketing books out there? Jeff Slutsky wrote a great book in 1984 on grassroot, low cost marketing. Or have you read maybe anything from Jay Conrad Levinson of Guerrilla Marketing fame?”

OK, let me cool down a bit. When most people open their business, they put almost all their money into getting the business open. They will set aside some money for a sign, but they will not get it lighted so people can see it at night. So by the time they get everything in place to open the business, they have run out of money to market the business.

But if they cannot market and let people know they are open, how are they going to stay in business? They don’t; most are closed within 6 months to a year and have lost everything, are deeper in debt, their dream has gone up in smoke and now once again they are working for someone else and living their boss’ dream. Think about it!

You need to set aside enough in the budget to market your business. If you don’t, you’ll end up closing your business. It’s as simple as that!

Mark your calendars:

 April 30th, I will be hosting ‘My Marketing Group’ from 11:30 am – 1 pm at Panera Bread, 1804 Precinct Line Rd, Hurst. It’s free to attend. Contact me for more information.

 Also, we will close the office for vacation from mid-day Friday June 1st and will reopen Monday June 11th.

 That’s all for now!