March 10, 2025

Get Help This Time

Good Morning It's almost that time of year again! The time of year we make resolutions or promises. You know, I'm going to exercise every day and lose 10 pounds, I'm going to eat healthy. I'm going to write thank-you notes every day, make calls and be more proactive about getting the word out … [Read more...]

Donald Trump And Your Business

Good Morning Donald Trump has been in the news. In fact he has been the news for a while now. Let's look at what he's been doing and see how you can use what he is doing to help your business. Whatever you may think of his politics, Trump has defined his target very well. He knows exactly who … [Read more...]

Who Are You? Marketing Secrets No One Will Tell You

Good Morning You are able to view past pages under the tab My BS at: please read them first. Now that you have a true idea of why you are in business, let's move on. The next question to answer is, "In a business sense, what are you?" Nine times out of ten when … [Read more...]

Chapter 1 you and your business

Good Morning In this book I will try to be as honest as possible in exploring different marketing techniques and methods. At times I know that I will make you angry with what I suggest, especial when it goes against what you have been taught and your industry wisdom. If I do make you angry, maybe … [Read more...]

And Now For Something Completely Different

Good Morning Happy New Year and welcome back. Yes, the subject line is from Monty Python's Flying Circus and it speaks about what I am doing and how it affects you. Over the past couple of years I have been reading and attending seminars by many experts in my field. I have also purchased very … [Read more...]

Start laying out your marketing/advertising/business building strategies for 2015

Good Morning This will be the last marketing tip for the year. Yes, I know you will be so sad and heartbroken. You will not know how to get along without these great and wonderful tips for the next two weeks. The tips will be back on January 8, but until then this will have to do. If your … [Read more...]