February 22, 2025

Goals Are Your Roadmap

Good Morning {First Name} While in traffic at a red light, I watched a car in one lane suddenly switch to the turn lane. It was like they just realized that they were in the wrong lane and heading in the wrong direction. The other one I see a lot is cars that are in the turn lane when the driver … [Read more...]

Plan Your Route

Good Morning {First Name} I'm on the road quite a bit, both freeway and street level driving. I see a lot of drivers who suddenly cross two or more lanes of traffic to take an exit at the last possible moment or leave the right hand lane that turned into an exit lane just before hitting the black … [Read more...]

Google 5-Star Reviews

Good Morning This past Tuesday I heard Tammy Salter, the owner of the Pipeline Road, Hurst, Texas PostNet, talk to the Northeast Chamber networking group and she did an outstanding job! Tammy spoke on taking your business to the next level and had a seven-page handout for people to work. She … [Read more...]

Creating Buzz

Good Morning While in my office I have on a radio station that plays music for background noise. It took a few times hearing a commercial for it to sink in and for me to notice it (Major Marketing Point Here). The next time the commercial came on I paid attention. The company, an air … [Read more...]

Jump Starting Your Business

Good Morning This week I have been attending Dan Kennedy's Magnetic Marketing: From "Annoying Pest" to "Welcome Guest" Challenge! This is a five- day, two-and-a-half-hour zoom conference. There are many reasons I am attending this conference, even though I have been studying with Dan Kennedy for … [Read more...]

Bucks Vs. Dollars

Good Morning When I get home from the office I turn on the television to help me relax. What I'm seeing is a lot of ads for organizations asking people for donations or memberships. (It's that time of year.) I also see it in the mail I get. It seems that a lot of them are asking for just $19 a … [Read more...]