December 27, 2024

More Than 1 Method

Good Morning At a leads group I recently attended, one of the people mentioned that in their industry they were on longer allowed to collect IP addresses for part of their market. Another person spoke up that their industry is doing the same. We were told IP addresses were now considered … [Read more...]

Your Marketing Success

Good Morning Last week I was talking to a consulting client about sending out emails on a regular basis (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly) and that their 1st few emails might not look very polished. Will Rogers is often credited with saying "Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly." Anyway, as an … [Read more...]

Your Feedback Please

Good Morning I need your help in the way of feedback. I was having one of those talks with my wife. Not the "what's for dinner" talk but the one about what I like to do. What I like to do is help people by solving their problems. The problems I'm good at solving are marketing/promoting … [Read more...]

Top Of Marketing

Good Morning I hope that everyone in the U.S. had a Great 4th of July Holiday! I was at a networking lunch where the spotlight speaker Shanda Kohtz of Good Water Good Life did not talk about her business but instead talked about tangible touches. Tangible touches are physical things that you … [Read more...]

Emotional Copy Triggers

Good Morning As a business owner who does their own advertising/marketing you have to know how to write copy that sells what you are offering. Yes you do! You are your company's top and maybe only sales/marketing person. This is true even if you hired a company to run/develop your digital … [Read more...]

Spot Removal Guide and Marketing Lessons

Good Morning I was going to write about the seven emotional hot buttons that make people act that you need in all your copy. But I was at a network lunch earlier this week and picked up a handout that is great. John Larriviere of United Carpet Cleaning Systems, Inc., was the speaker and he … [Read more...]