October 22, 2024

What You Doing?

We had a short-lived break from the heat. Last week it got down to a chilly 97. Well, back to 100-plus days.

Now that school is about to start and people are getting back from vacation, it’s time to get out and market your business. You still have about a week or two left to do some planning, but by Labor Day you need to put it into action.

To see what most people are doing, I’d like to know what you are doing to market your business. Please email me at TFC@freedcom.com with your plans. I will keep all information confidential. If you want to share parts of it I will, but I will not reveal your name, company or the type of business you have.

 In addition to or instead of sharing your marketing plan, send me your most pressing marketing concern or question and I will either answer it here (with your name, business removed) or in private. Your choice.

 Is your marketing/advertising not performing to expectations? Get a marketing analysis with plan of action so you get the ROI you want.

Stop procrastinating; contact me now for a free consultation by emailing me at tfc@freedcom.com, or call 817-282-0443.

Remember- Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action


The Freedman Co.


Visit my Blog at: Thefreedmancompany.com

Make sure you check me out on the radio at www.nbbradio.com My marketing tips are being aired twice a day at 10:24 am and 2:24 pm. Tune in to this business format radio station to help you and your business grow.