October 18, 2024

Way To Keep In Touch That Most Don’t or Won’t Use!

I’ve just got home for the night from attending Day 1 of Mike Crow’s Three Days of Secrets Revealed. I learned a lot about marketing, and I networked with some great people. One person is P.J. McClure who wrote “Flip The Switch – How to turn on and turn up your mindset.” Check him out at www.themindsetmaven.com. One more day to go and then on Friday I’ll be at the H.E.B. Business Expo at Hurst United Methodist Church from 10 to 3. Check it out!

On To This Week’s Tip

A great way to stay in touch with your clients is through the use of a monthly printed newsletter. Yes a printed and mailed-out newsletter. Why a printed one and not a emailed one? To start with, most of us do not get a lot of printed newsletters, unless we subscribe and pay for it. (Even then, some want to send it by email.) That means that yours would stand out. Most people will at least glance at and/or skim a printed one. How many emails newsletters do you read or say you’ll read later but end up deleting?

If your newsletter contains the right information then it will have a long shelf life.

What do you put into it? Very little information about your company, products or services. The newsletter needs to contain information that is of interest to your reader, not you! A good newsletter should be an easy read, it should contain a puzzle and/or recipe (somewhat easy to make and tastes good).

Basically out of a 2 column, 4 page 8 1/2 x 11 newsletter you should have half a column with what your customers are saying, up to one column about a special of the month. Maybe a contest and a column with a Q&A. I would also recommend adding some personal information about yourself and/or your family (so people feel that they know you better).

If done correctly, it’s well worth the cost in keeping your clients from going to your competition and increasing their lifetime value.

If you want or need help putting together a newsletter, I can help. I have done-for-you newsletters in which all you do is add your information – about 30 to 60 minutes of work – and we do the rest.

Till Next Week,

Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action