March 28, 2025

More About Your Competition

Good Morning Last week I wrote about your competition. Specifically YOU! You and your mindset can stand in your way of being successful. This week I want to write about two more types of competition. Direct - Direct competitors are businesses that sell or offer exactly what you sell or … [Read more...]

What Makes You Different?

Good Morning At a leads group I went to we had some extra time and a smaller group, so the leader of the group asked us to tell in more detail who our target market is, not just small businesses, but what kinds of businesses. We have some people in the group who basically do the same thing, which … [Read more...]

Your Business Image

Good Morning ,It's now been two weeks since I got my second shot and today my wife is getting her 2nd shot. The only person in my family who has not gotten his shot is our 33 year old son. I'm hoping he gets his very soon. So you should start seeing me again at networking events.The other day we got … [Read more...]


Good Morning   I write this well before attending the HEB Chamber networking breakfast (Good Morning HEB), which is being hosted by my friends David and Michael who own Forest Ridge Funeral Home.  I hope to see a lot of people there. There might be a couple of bankers, a few … [Read more...]