October 22, 2024

Fast way to get more business in the door

It’s now the dog days of August (they started in early July) and those who have not taken their summer vacation yet will do so within the next 2 weeks. So what does this mean for your business? It could mean that business is slow.

One of the things you can do is wait it out and hope business will get better before you run out of money. Another thing you can do is market your business to new prospects who have never done business with you. Or you can get more business in the door from people who know you and have done business with you.

The last suggestion will bring in more business than the first 2 and is also easier to do.

All you have to do is go to your list of past customers and reactivate them. Offer them a special to come back and do business with you. Touch them at least 3 times. Better yet, stay in contact with them on a continuous basis and they will not become past customers.

Word of Warning:

Whatever special you offer to your past clients, make sure you offer that or better to your current clients.

So here is what I am offering to you and to my past clients:

1) Sequential mailings of 3 full-color 6 x 11 post cards in quantities of 250, 500 or 1,000.

 2) Sequential mailings of 3 lumpy (3D) mailing pieces,quantity to be determened by your list and more importantly your budget.

Get started bringing in more business before your business cools down faster than the weather by emailing me at tfc@freedcom.com, or call 817-282-0443.

Remember- Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action


The Freedman Co.


Make sure you check me out on the radio at www.nbbradio.com My marketing tips are being aired twice a day at 10:24 am and 2:24 pm. Tune in to this business format radio station to help you and your business grow.