October 22, 2024

Slow or Fast, Most People Do Slow Wrong

I was talking to my sales consultant about a marketing proposal for a would-be client, and he told me the same thing that I’ve heard before. They don’t have a lot of money for marketing and they really are trying to build their business by doing referral marketing. The problem is that they are not doing it correctly and they need new customers faster than referral marketing can get them.

This is not to say that referral marketing does not work, on the contrary. Just ask Darryl Day of Day Real Estate. He and his wife market their business only through referrals. Now they do it correctly. They spend a lot of time with each client. In fact clients think of them as part of their family. He stays in touch with each client through more than just the thank-you card and Christmas card for a few years. Also he makes sure that his clients understand that the major way he gets business is by referrals and that he needs their help.

Darryl also belongs to a number of leads and networking groups and is an active member of the groups. He’s a very active member of his local chamber. In fact, he’s on the board and teaches a class on networking. He reads all he can get his hands on about networking and referral marketing and puts it into practice as well as having a coach on the subject.

He also knows that referral marketing is a slow process, but then again he does not need to sell a home an hour or even a day to stay in business.

Referral marketing is a slow process, and when done right, it really builds you a very strong business. If you need customers faster or want more than referral marketing can get you, then combine it with more traditional but outrageous marketing to get the results you want.

You still have time to to get more customers before the end of the year by using outrageous marketing techniques. Let’s talk!

Till next week -Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action