March 9, 2025

Survey Says

Good Morning Businesses lose anywhere from 10% to 25% of their customer base each year! The reasons are many and in many cases not the businesses' fault. So it behooves the business owner to always be promoting and attracting new customers as well as working their customer retention plan. But … [Read more...]

How To Develop Trust

Good Morning I hope you had a good New Year! You set your goals for 2024 and now you are ready to get at it! (Sure.) We have heard the saying "People do business with people they like, know and trust." Knowing is the easy part; liking might be a bit harder. All you have to do is be a nice … [Read more...]

Developing an Elevator Speech

Good Morning When I can, I go to a couple of networking/leads groups; I also go to after hours events. At the networking groups everyone is given 30 seconds to introduce themselves, their business and who would be their ideal customer. The 30 seconds is plenty of time if you know what to say and … [Read more...]

Don’t Make It So Hard!

Good Morning A friend and client called me earlier this week, We had just finished the first of three mailings for his customer. My first question was,"what's wrong?" He told me we did not do anything wrong, BUT.... But what? Had I gone to the customer's web site? No, so I did. I got to … [Read more...]

Spot Removal Guide and Marketing Lessons

Good Morning I was going to write about the seven emotional hot buttons that make people act that you need in all your copy. But I was at a network lunch earlier this week and picked up a handout that is great. John Larriviere of United Carpet Cleaning Systems, Inc., was the speaker and he … [Read more...]


Good Morning {First Name} Last week I wrote about my attending Dan Kennedy's Magnetic Marketing: From "Annoying Pest" to "Welcome Guest" Challenge and how I made a list of items that I need to get done. The first item was redoing my USP. Well I wrote it up and I would like your input on which … [Read more...]