February 13, 2025

Don’t Make It So Hard!

Good Morning A friend and client called me earlier this week, We had just finished the first of three mailings for his customer. My first question was,"what's wrong?" He told me we did not do anything wrong, BUT.... But what? Had I gone to the customer's web site? No, so I did. I got to … [Read more...]

Sales Mistakes That You Make!

Good Morning,Now that you answer the phone, return calls when people leave a message, you have sales leads and people want to talk to you about what you offer. Now you have to become the dreaded SALESPERSON!!Most professionals do not consider themselves salespersons. They say or think, "I'm a … [Read more...]

Contacting Prospects

Good Morning ,My friend Pat Coyle of Senior Essentials, a Medicare supplement insurance company, and I were talking the other day about getting more customers. About a day later he sent me a chart about contacting prospects. His chart is like the information that Chet Holmes presented in his book … [Read more...]

Free Salesperson

Good Morning I was talking to my friend and fellow marketer Jeremiah Ozment, who was telling me he was partnering with internet marketing companies (social media, web designers, SEO). He mentioned using a sales letter to attract more customers and then realized that he needed to explain what a sales … [Read more...]

Who Are You Selling To

Good Morning  Selling. That's is the most important job that you have as the owner of your business. If you don't sell, you don't have a business. I've know owners who have told me, "I don't have to sell; I have salespeople." My answer was, "Yes, you do, but when a big customer calls, do you help … [Read more...]

I Don’t Want You To Be A Saleperson For Me!

Yes, you read that right! I don't want you to be my salesperson. Unless you work for me full time and I train you in what we do and offer. And I don't want to be your salesperson either! What? In almost every leads, networking group, etc. we are told that the other people in the group can be your … [Read more...]