February 13, 2025

Survey Says

Good Morning Businesses lose anywhere from 10% to 25% of their customer base each year! The reasons are many and in many cases not the businesses' fault. So it behooves the business owner to always be promoting and attracting new customers as well as working their customer retention plan. But … [Read more...]

Basic Marketing Tools

Good Morning {First Name} I hope everyone is enjoying the extra day, and if your birthday is today, Happy Birthday! I was at my networking group yesterday and The HEB Chamber did a special presentation on a new program that does market research and demographics for small businesses. This … [Read more...]

Profile Your Target

Good Morning I have written about how to develop more effective copy for all your promotional needs. I should have covered this first, but I did not so let me discuss it now. Before you start writing your first word you need to think about who you are writing for. You as the writer need to … [Read more...]

Understanding Your Customer

Good Morning,A friend of mine is thinking about and doing the research to go into his third business. Right now he is running two businesses and is retired! As he was explaining the business to me, I could not understand who would use his services. I might use it once a year at most, but he needed … [Read more...]

Customer Lists

Good Morning,First quarter is usually the time of year that businesses want to build their customer base. I get calls and questions from businesses wanting to know about lists and costs. It seems the standard question is "I need a new customer list; how much will it cost?"Before I can give a dollar … [Read more...]

Who’s Your Demo?

Good Morning ,A couple of days ago I went to my first networking event in over a year. It was lightly attended, which was good for me as I was a bit rusty. As I talk to people, one of the questions I ask is, "Who is your demographics or your customer base?" Most of the time I get a somewhat good … [Read more...]