October 22, 2024

10.3% Response Rate – Who Says Direct Mail Does Not Work!

One of my clients sent me an article by Brett Kitchen, who sells insurance and annuities, about his journey using direct mail (post cards) to get a 10.3% response rate. So much for the people who say direct mail does not work.

Here is what he found he needed to get a high response rate: 2 key items, the message and the list.

The list is the most important element of getting a great response rate. Kitchen uses a list of confirmed direct mail buyers of financial services. He purchases a list of highly responsive people.

This is trageting the proper people for your product or service.

The other key element is the message. You have to explain what’s in it for them. Explain the benefits to them in terms that they understand. Do this with a good headline and the 3 most compelling benefits in bullet points.

As Robert Collier said, “find a point of contact with his interests, his desires, some feature that will flag his attention and make your letter stand out from all others the moment he reads the first line.” In other words, enter the conversation that is going on inside your reader’s mind.

Kitchen stated the list is 10 to 100 time more inportant than any other element. Dan Kennedy says that a great message to the worng or bad list will get a low or no response rate but a bad message to the correct list will get a good response rate.

Are you sending the right message to the correct people?

Special Offer To You

I will do a FREE critique of any single marketing, advertising or promotion peice. You must call me before end of business Friday 9/23/11 to take advanage of this offer.

Copywriting services will be offered at a highly discounted rate for those who take me up on the above offer. But remember, after 5 pm Friday (9/23/11), this offer goes away.

Finally I only have 2 more openings for monthly consulting. This is for people who seriously want to take their business to the next level. This includes in-depth marketing analysis, development and execution of marketing to get you to the next level so you will achieve your goal. If you are ready to make the commitment, then contact me ASAP.

Remember – Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action


The Freedman Co.
