Good Morning My friend David who owns Forest Ridge Funeral Home is having an HEB Chamber networking breakfast (Good Morning HEB) next week. Getting lots of people to an early morning networking event is hard enough, but to get them to come to a funeral home? David knows this, and like the great … [Read more...]
Sales Tax Free Weekend
Good Morning This weekend August 9-11 is the back-to-school tax-free weekend here in Texas. That means a number of items related to back to school is for sale tax free. The state will not charge (in my area) 8.25% sale tax on a long list of items. If you're a store owner or work in retail you … [Read more...]
Phones Calls?
Good Morning My business is a brick and mortar business, and as such, I have a business landline phone. I've had the same business phone number for over 20 years. I've had clients who have called to use my services with many years in between uses. Because of this and my training in retail, … [Read more...]
Recession and Your Business
Good Morning A friend/client told me that he heard that a recession could happen in 2020 and was wondering if I saw any early signs from my business perspective. I told him, and now you, that from what I read in newspapers, watched and heard on the news, the signs are beginning to appear … [Read more...]
Good Morning I have a friend who uses word of mouth referrals as his company's main marketing strategy. He is the only person I know that this strategy works for. Everyone else fails at this strategy!To be fair to my friend, he only need 2-3 sales per month. He is a real estate agent. I think … [Read more...]