October 22, 2024

How to Avoid the Slow Days After a Vacation

Last month I took about a week off for a vacation to Quebec. It was great. Like most business owners, I told everyone when I was going to be gone, made sure all my clients got their materials in ahead of time, arranged for orders to be completed and delivered to the post office when needed and then left.

 My staff had work to do while I was gone. The week I got back, they had none. The weeks after, business was slow (true, I picked one of our slowest times of the year).

A friend of mine once said that for every day you take off from sales you need 3 days to make up the lost day.

With that in mind, what could I or any businessperson have done to prevent the slow or no business after a week’s vacation?

I could have sent out a notice while on vacation to my current clients with a special offer for them that would be good the week I got back. I could also have sent another offer to past clients and one to prospects.

If I did not have time before I left or planned for my staff to send it out while I was on vacation, I could have sent out notices as soon as I got back.

Like any business owner, I could come back from time away and then continue the marketing campaign a few more times. Of course, a conscientious businessperson would track the results to figure the ROI.

This involves some advance planning, but doing all this would let you avoid the 3 weeks of slow sales after the one week of vacation, and in fact maybe even gain sales.

The next time you want to take off for a few days and don’t want a dry spell afterwards, give me a call at 817-282-0443 or email me at TFC@FREEDCOM.COM. I can help you map out a marketing plan that will grow your business and let you have the time off that you need and deserve.

 Remember – Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action


The Freedman Co.


PS – I still need you to send me your marketing question, problems and concerns. I will answer them here and in the book. I will also give you full recognition. Such as: “marketing question submitted by, Name, Company and web address or link.” You will be famous and published.