March 31, 2025

Making Text Easier To Read

Good Morning In my last tip I wrote about the seven emotional hot buttons you must have in your copy. In this tip I would like to address some basic rules for creating easy-to-read copy. Again, it does not matter if you are writing pay-per-click ads, social media posts, copy for your videos, … [Read more...]

You Needs These Books

Good Morning The other day I was at a networking group when I got the idea for a workshop on positioning your business to beat out the competition. I went back to my office to search my library for books on the subject. (Everyone should have a library of books on areas in which they make their … [Read more...]

Pest or Guest?

Good Morning,Early yesterday afternoon I got a text asking me, "How many years you been in Texas now?" I did not have the phone number in my list of contacts so my reply was, "Who is this?" I'm not giving out any information to someone I don't know, would you?Well, about two hours later I get "This … [Read more...]

Who Appreciate You Baby!

Good Morning ,Two weeks ago I had a booth at the HEB Chamber Business Expo. I had a drawing for some prizes, and the winners were Kristie Hanhart of Kristie's Cleaning Service, Joseph Miller of TMT Spa, and Shawndi Purselly of Armstrong Purselley Wealth Management Group. In addition, everyone who … [Read more...]

Expressing Your View

Good Morning ,During the political season, which is now underway, some business owners do a lot of stupid things that cost them customers and income, and I don't want you to be one of them.Many years ago I was at a chamber planning retreat waiting for dinner. I was outside on the deck when I got … [Read more...]

Coronavirus Game Plan

Good Morning,  Coronavirus is here. You might or might not get it. But this week's tip is not about your, your family's, your employees' or your customers' health. It's about your business's health!What would happen if you or your employees were forced to stay home for two or more weeks? Or your … [Read more...]