February 13, 2025

Holiday Email Marketing Tips

Good Morning ,The holiday season is upon us so I thought I would share some marketing facts to help you get your message out. Remember the pandemic has more people shopping online!Having your consumer offer expire 10 days before Christmas will increase open rates by more than 35%*.Mentioning … [Read more...]

Working A Booth At A Business Expo

Good Morning ,I'm writing this after working my booth at the Hurst Euless Bedford Chamber of Commerce annual in-person Business Expo, from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Hurst Conference Center. I was on my feet for most of that time. So how was a live in-person face-to-face business expo in the time … [Read more...]

360 View of You

Good Morning,A friend and business coach, who was also business manager for a home inspection company, used to say that she wanted her customers (real estate agents) to see her company name wherever they looked in their office, 360 degrees. She had items for the walls, the desk and elsewhere and was … [Read more...]

How’s Business?

Good Morning ,"How's business" is now a standard greeting among small business owners. Answers range from, "business is great," "people need what we have" to, "we're hanging in there," "we're surviving," business is slow" to "if it doesn't pick up soon, I don't know what we'll do." Bankruptcy rates … [Read more...]


Good Morning,Last week I tried to write a marketing tip, but Constant Contact would not cooperate. They upgraded their editor, and it would no longer allow me to copy the tip from the previous week and edit it for the current week, a trick I learned years ago so I wouldn't have to recreate the wheel … [Read more...]

Getting Referrals

Good Morning,  I was on a Zoom call the other day with a group of marketers. The leader of the group was talking about referrals, trying to help the group get more business.  As a reader of this weekly marketing tip you know the best customers for your business are repeat customers, the next best … [Read more...]