October 18, 2024

Here’s The Next Big Thing to Get Customer!

 Looking for the next big thing that will bring in all the customers that you need? You are not going to get all your customers from one marketing method unless you want only a few customers at a time. There is also the risk that your one method might stop working or something happens that you cannot use that method anymore.

 Remember when faxes were the way to market your business and then unsolicited faxes were outlawed? Or remember outbound telemarketing, then ‘Do Not Call’ regulations were imposed? Do you know what happened to most businesses that depended just on faxes or telemarketing? A lot of them went out of business very quickly because they did not have other methods of marketing their businesses.

 You have to market your business many different ways to survive. There is a saying that it is better to get one customer from 100 different marketing methods than 100 customers from one method.

 I, for example, do direct mail, am active with 2 chambers of commerce, attend leads groups, have a website, Facebook page, email marketing (this weekly marketing tip goes out to over 1,000 email addresses), public speaking (by the way, looking for a Free speaker for your group? Just call to book me), trade show exhibits, and I’ve put together a Free catalog of how to use event marketing to grow your business (see below).

 I had been (and will begin again) holding Free monthly marketing workshops at lunchtime, and I’ve started to offer a membership program that gives you a Free mailing list of up to 500 b-to-b or b-to-c names every year and Free jumbo full color post cards mailed to those names with everything (design, printing, addressing and postage, yes, postage) included to those 500 names 4 time a year plus $50 gift cards for additional services each month and lots of marketing help and information.

 Next month, I would like to have my first Free Webinar on how to stand out from your competition (anyone interested?), I hope to have a book done within the year as an additional way to market my business.

 Some ways I have used in the past and might go back to include radio commercials, newspaper ads, press releases and articles.

As you can see, I have many different ways to market my business. I cannot count on only one way to market my business; I need as many clients as I can get from as many different ways possible. Why? Because I set a goal of increasing my business by $10,000 per month and one marketing method will not bring in the business that I need.

 One method I have not yet addressed is referrals. I also welcome any and all referrals and will even reward people who refer people who become clients. So help me reach my goal by either referring other businesses to me or getting people to subscribe to this email.

 Now, how many ways are you marketing your business? Remember one is the loneliest number!

 Till next week – Great Things Happen, But You Have To Take Action


The Freedman Co.

 P.S. Call or email for your free copy of Big Idea Event Marketing Catalogue.