Congratulations you are one of the 13 to 15% that open this email each week and read it. That not only makes you unique but also successful. How so you might wonder? Well you are part of the 13 to 15% of the people I send this weekly email to that takes the 3 to 5 minutes to open it and read … [Read more...]
Here is your chance, Take It!
Labor Day is over, school is back session, and the outside tempature dropped to around 99 here in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. Yes, summer is over; there are no more vacations, and people are back at work. You have about two and half months before the holiday season begins, when most people put a … [Read more...]
Guess what?
When you communicate with your customers, don't think about your needs. They don't care about you. With that said, when you communicate with them (it should be at least once a month), you need to enter the conversation that is going on in their minds at the time. If you don't, your messages will … [Read more...]
Yes, I Have A Friend
Good Morning I was having lunch with a good friend yesterday, and we got talking about the subjects lines I use in these weekly tips. He said that they are just on the edge, that they make you stop and wonder. Let me ask you a question: How many emails do you get in a day? As you scroll … [Read more...]
Major Direct Mail Rule and Need Help
Good Morning Today I would like to go over one of the three most fundamental rules of direct mail - getting your mail piece opened. If you send out just postcards you can skip to the end. If you don't use direct mail, then you need to start. Remember: Google uses direct … [Read more...]
One Big Mastermind Meeting
Good Morning Let me first off apologize for any misspelling or grammar mistakes. I am at the GKIC Super Conference in Orlando and Belia is not with me to correct all my mistakes. As I said I'm at the GKIC Super Conference which is about new marketing and money making ideas. This is the place to … [Read more...]