March 9, 2025

Who Are You? Marketing Secrets No One Will Tell You

Good Morning You are able to view past pages under the tab My BS at: please read them first. Now that you have a true idea of why you are in business, let's move on. The next question to answer is, "In a business sense, what are you?" Nine times out of ten when … [Read more...]

Business Owners, Why Do You Keep Wasting Money On Social Media Marketing?

Good Morning You may have been told that you need to be marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, Pinterest, Texting and all the rest if you want more business. Social media is the way to make sales, you were told. That might true for a very few businesses. A June 2014 poll from Gallup … [Read more...]

3,650 view to get your message across, how much would you pay?

Good Morning Contact First Name Last month we got our yearly Jewish calendar for the year 5775. This calendar runs from September through September. This calendar goes up in our kitchen and we can see the same ads month in and month out. Last week I got another calendar from the national … [Read more...]

Why I Do It – Masterminds and Conferences

Good Morning I just got back from a three-day Mastermind meeting. This coaching program meets three time a year and we have a conference call each month. I also go to at least three marketing conferences a year and am a member of another Mastermind group that meets for an afternoon once a … [Read more...]

How to make your football program ads get you customers

Good Morning Yes, it's back to school time! This is the time of year that as business owners we get all those phone call and letters asking us to purchase "ads" in all kinds of school publications, like the football program. You have two choices when you purchase "ad space." You can … [Read more...]

Need to get more business

Good Morning We just had the unofficial start of summer. This has been one of the biggest vacation weeks of the year. Lots of businesses slow down until Labor Day. Do you have such a business? If you don't and business picks up this time of year, good for you. You still might want to read … [Read more...]