March 11, 2025


Good Morning   Happy Valentine's Day! I attended, participated in or watched (not sure of the correct term) a live webinar on 7 ways to get free leads hosted by Kim Walsh-Phillips, a leading social media expert. She presented some great information, but  there was one main point, which was … [Read more...]

Stop, Look and Listen

Good Morning   This Month TEXRail started service between downtown Fort Worth and DFW Airport. It passes through an upscale city and most  if not all the crossings are "quiet zones." A quiet zone is where the train cannot blow its horn when coming up to a crossing (a safety warning), too … [Read more...]

Get Your Emails Opened

Good Morning   76 of every 100 emails are immediately trashed and never read!That's 55 TRILLION unopened emails per year worldwide! Your emails are part of that group. Most people spend time working on their email message, making sure it's clear and perfect. But when it comes to the subject … [Read more...]

Internet Links?

Good Morning  When was the last time you checked to make sure everything workedon your web site, links on your email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and other social media? I am using a form I developed to analyze a business's marketing needs and decided to link it to another web page I … [Read more...]

Time is running out

Good Morning Yes, the end is near. The end of the year. Soon we will be making the mistake of writing 2018 instead of 2019. We will be making New Year's resolutions and then within six weeks if not sooner, breaking all of them. Also within the next couple of weeks, most business owners will … [Read more...]

Hello, Hello, Anyone Out There? Hello?

Is everyone on vacation already? Sometimes it seems that way. You talk to customers and all they can think about is their upcoming vacation; if they are not already on vacation physically, they're mentally on vacation.  OK, I'm not being nice, but you understand what I'm saying.  In my part … [Read more...]