March 28, 2025

Three Types Of Customer

Good Morning I'm one of those old-fashioned type people, I like reading a newspaper. The paper kind. On Sundays, I pick up the local paper and I read it. During the week I read multiple ones online plus other news sources. What I noticed in the local paper was an ad from their parent company … [Read more...]

Profile Your Target

Good Morning I have written about how to develop more effective copy for all your promotional needs. I should have covered this first, but I did not so let me discuss it now. Before you start writing your first word you need to think about who you are writing for. You as the writer need to … [Read more...]

Dip Marketing

Good Morning {First Name} We refinanced our home over twelve years ago and it's almost paid for. And as of this moment we have no plans on selling our home or purchasing another. But every three months or so we get a large full color post card from the gentleman who handled the refinancing. We … [Read more...]

Recouping Lost Customers Now & Post Covid-19

Good Morning , Last week as I was writing my tip I was waiting for it to rain, well it did not rain at all. Glad I watered my plants ahead of time!If you have not planned out how your business is going to recover in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, then you need to start now and put that plan into … [Read more...]

How’s Business?

Good Morning ,"How's business" is now a standard greeting among small business owners. Answers range from, "business is great," "people need what we have" to, "we're hanging in there," "we're surviving," business is slow" to "if it doesn't pick up soon, I don't know what we'll do." Bankruptcy rates … [Read more...]

Make It Easy to Remember

Good Morning,Last week we had a a tune up/check up done on our air conditioning unit; and I wanted to try the company from which we'd won a free UV light a few years ago to do the work and replace the old light. The sticker on the unit states that the light should be replaced every 2 years to be … [Read more...]