March 28, 2025

Acting Quickly Wrongly

Good Morning ,I drive on the area freeways quite a bit. What I have been seeing lately is cars crossing very quickly from the far left-hand lane to far right-hand lane or from the right-hand lane to the left-hand lane. The worst is entering the exit lane just before the exit lane barrier or leaving … [Read more...]

Marketing Planning

Good Morning ,I got a call from one of my clients the other day. He wanted to let me know that he has fall/holiday season planned out and is producing the marketing materials. Sometime in the next week or two he will be stopping by to go over it with me. He is sending me a new updated mailing list … [Read more...]

Planning and Flexibly

Good Morning ,Around this time each year I do some planning on what I would like for the next year, business wise. Last year and early this year, I was starting to launch my customer recovery program that helps businesses get lost/past customers to come back and do business with them again and keeps … [Read more...]

Are you ready?

Good Morning I hope you enjoyed the holidays. If you took off or are still taking some time off, I hope it was relaxing. If you're back in the office, are you ready to get to work or do you still need a few days? As you know, a lot of people make New Year's resolutions. Can your business help … [Read more...]

Time is running out

Good Morning Yes, the end is near. The end of the year. Soon we will be making the mistake of writing 2018 instead of 2019. We will be making New Year's resolutions and then within six weeks if not sooner, breaking all of them. Also within the next couple of weeks, most business owners will … [Read more...]

Key Element of Marketing

 I had a birthday earlier this month and this week I'm celebrating my wedding anniversary plus another anniversary! What am I celebrating? This week marks my 2nd year of writing my weekly marketing tips. I've written almost 100 tips. I would like to thank everyone for all your kind words and … [Read more...]