February 23, 2025


Good Morning  Last Sunday my wife and I stopped by a Subway to pick up sandwiches for a late dinner. It was almost dark and we were able to see their lighted sign from a distance so we could turn in the correct parking lot. We weren't sure they were still open but saw the lights were still on and … [Read more...]

Birthday Promotion

Good Morning (Contact First Name)  Last night I picked up my free small pizza from Jet's Pizza. I got the free pizza because I had my birthday earlier this month, and Jet's sent me a post card with 2 punch-out coupons, one for a small pizza and the other for $5 off any purchase of $15 or … [Read more...]

Facebook, Google & Your Business

Good Morning  On Monday it was announced that attorneys general from 48 states plus Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia were starting an investigation into Google and a number of attorneys general along with the Department of Justice were also looking into Facebook and how the companies have … [Read more...]

Happy Labor Day, But

Good Morning   First off: Just wanted to let you know Forest Ridge Funeral Home had a great turnout for hosting the HEB Chamber's networking breakfast "Good Morning HEB." Now on to other things: Happy Labor Day!This coming Monday is Labor Day, the day that we celebrate the working … [Read more...]

Does It = $$$??

Good Morning  I was out and about the other day and saw a sign that read, "Please Like Us on Facebook." I know you have seen them as well. I've always wondered, "Why should I like you? What's in it for me?" A friend who has a client that uses Facebook a lot to promote says that it's a great way … [Read more...]