Good Morning First off: Just wanted to let you know Forest Ridge Funeral Home had a great turnout for hosting the HEB Chamber's networking breakfast "Good Morning HEB." Now on to other things: Happy Labor Day!This coming Monday is Labor Day, the day that we celebrate the working … [Read more...]
Facebook & You
Good Morning I was listening to the news and learned Facebook stock took a hit. On Wednesday it tumbled 7.3 percent according to CNBC. This was based on reports alleging Facebook "shared unprecedented amount of data with partners, based on internal documents" writes CNBC. Based on the New York … [Read more...]
Danger, Danger Will Robinson
Good Day This week I found out that someone has been using my business phone as their caller ID number. They are calling people and not leaving any message on their voice mail if they can't talk to them. People are calling the number (my number) that shows up on their caller ID and asking who … [Read more...]
After the show
Good Day Tuesday, June 5, from 3 to 7 pm, I had a booth at the HEB Expo, Hurst Conference Center, 1601 Campus Dr. I was on my feet most of that time and I wore the wrong shoes, not the comfy ones, but the ones that looked professional and hurt after 30 minutes. So why do I do it? It's a … [Read more...]