March 30, 2025

Profile Your Target

Good Morning I have written about how to develop more effective copy for all your promotional needs. I should have covered this first, but I did not so let me discuss it now. Before you start writing your first word you need to think about who you are writing for. You as the writer need to … [Read more...]

Dip Marketing

Good Morning {First Name} We refinanced our home over twelve years ago and it's almost paid for. And as of this moment we have no plans on selling our home or purchasing another. But every three months or so we get a large full color post card from the gentleman who handled the refinancing. We … [Read more...]

Pest or Guest?

Good Morning,Early yesterday afternoon I got a text asking me, "How many years you been in Texas now?" I did not have the phone number in my list of contacts so my reply was, "Who is this?" I'm not giving out any information to someone I don't know, would you?Well, about two hours later I get "This … [Read more...]


Good Morning ,A number of months ago my dentist friend and client said he thought a recession was coming based on what he was hearing. At the time I said I doubt it, based on what the experts were saying and the state of the economy at the time.In the last few weeks I've been reading a lot of news … [Read more...]

Answering Phone

Good Morning,My business coach and friend had a saying AATP (Always Answer The Phone!). He got his start coaching businesses in his niche industry after years building his own business in that industry. He did a lot of work with small one-person business owners, those who did all the work, so when … [Read more...]

Understanding Your Customer

Good Morning,A friend of mine is thinking about and doing the research to go into his third business. Right now he is running two businesses and is retired! As he was explaining the business to me, I could not understand who would use his services. I might use it once a year at most, but he needed … [Read more...]