March 17, 2025

And Now For Something Completely Different

Good Morning Happy New Year and welcome back. Yes, the subject line is from Monty Python's Flying Circus and it speaks about what I am doing and how it affects you. Over the past couple of years I have been reading and attending seminars by many experts in my field. I have also purchased very … [Read more...]

Start laying out your marketing/advertising/business building strategies for 2015

Good Morning This will be the last marketing tip for the year. Yes, I know you will be so sad and heartbroken. You will not know how to get along without these great and wonderful tips for the next two weeks. The tips will be back on January 8, but until then this will have to do. If your … [Read more...]

Business Owners, Why Do You Keep Wasting Money On Social Media Marketing?

Good Morning You may have been told that you need to be marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, Pinterest, Texting and all the rest if you want more business. Social media is the way to make sales, you were told. That might true for a very few businesses. A June 2014 poll from Gallup … [Read more...]

Protect Yourself When Offering Coupons

Good Morning We all made it through Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, No-name Sunday and Cyber Monday. Whew! This is a time lots of merchants offer coupons. Here are some basic tips to make sure people don't take advantage of you. Always have an expiration date not more than 30 days out. … [Read more...]

A Thanksgiving Message

Happy Thanksgiving The Freedman Company would like to wish you all a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving.   … [Read more...]

Great Black Friday Special

Sorry, this offer is no longer avaible.     … [Read more...]

What The Post Office and Printers Will Keep From You So You’ll Waste Money

Good Morning Contact First Name A client sent me an email asking about the post office's Every Door Direct Mail program (EDDM). Someone told them about it and they wanted my opinion about it. Before I tell you what I said, some basic background about the client: They sell a product to a very … [Read more...]

What I learned at the GKIC Info-Summit

Good Morning I'm back from my week in St Louis at the GKIC Info-Summit. Allow me to share a little of what I learned. There is more and more information out there than ever before, and most people need someone to sort out and filter the information for them. People need a curator and … [Read more...]

Guess What I’m Doing

This week I’m in St Louis for GKIC Info-Summit. I come to this four day information marketing to learn from the leaders in the industry on how to better develop and market information based products with residual income and to network with other thought leaders . Some of the workshops I will be … [Read more...]

The True Marketing Secret To Getting More Business

Good Morning I get a lot of people asking me how to get more customers at the lowest possible cost. Well, after years of research and learning from other great thought leaders, I can pass on the Number 1 secret to getting more customers. You need to set aside at least 2 hours per week for … [Read more...]