March 31, 2025

You Need A Website!

Good Morning I'm old (there, I admit it), but not that old! I know lots of people who are older. I also know a lot more people who are younger. As I talk with people about their marketing/advertising, I'm surprised at their lack of knowledge about how to present their business. Years ago when … [Read more...]

I’m Done

Good Morning  I'm done! I just finished attending a 2-day mastermind meeting from the coaching group I'm part of. If you do not have a coach or a mastermind group, you are missing a big asset to your business. A good coach can help you build and run your business to its best advantage. A … [Read more...]

Want Business?

Good Day I was at a leads group the other day. This group, like most groups, is made up of people of all ages and all types of businesses. One of the main functions of a leads group or networking group is the exchange of information. One thing I've learned over the years is, you have to make it … [Read more...]

Simple way to achieve your goals

Good Morning Happy New Year and welcome to 2016! I hope you got all those New Year's resolutions and plans written down and that you're still keeping them. Also that you took time out of the holidays to plan out your goals and how to achieve them for this year. Do you know that most people … [Read more...]

Wrong Customers?

Good Morning  It should take only a few minutes to read this weekly email, so stop what you're doing, grab a pen and paper to make some notes on what action you will take by reading this email. My parents would sometimes say about a person that they don't have two pennies to rub together. The … [Read more...]

Business Cards – Carry Them

Good Morning During the past month--including last night--I have attended a number of networking events. These events are advertised as networking events, places to exchange business cards, generate leads and maybe get some business. But guess what happens? People show up without business … [Read more...]