Good Morning One of the main themes of GKIC and the Marketing & Money-Making SuperConference, as well as what a friend and I talked about yesterday, is that you make a sale to get a customer instead of getting a customer to make a sale. What??? Most businesses go after customers to … [Read more...]
The Wheel, The Wheel
Good Morning I was going to write about what I learned at the GKIC Marketing & Money-Making SuperConference, but I got a phone call the other day that would make a better marketing tip. The call was from a friend who helps out a non-profit organization. He heard about another group that … [Read more...]
See what happens when you open yourself
Good Morning Monday I got back from a four day marketing boot camp followed by a two day coaching mastermind meeting. For months now I have been trying to put together a monthly marketing support program and the core product that goes with it. No one service or product that I currently … [Read more...]
Stop Send Out Junk Mail
Good Morning The other day a letter came to my business. It had my company's name on it, but it was addressed to someone else. The name on it was someone I don't know. As if that were not bad enough, the sales letter assumed that the person it was addressed to was interested and wanted their … [Read more...]
Time To Get Back To Work
Good Morning I hope that everyone had great and restful holidays and you're all ready to get back to work. I've talked to a number of business owners who came back and then realized that they had very little business and plenty of bills due. So with that in mind, … [Read more...]