My father owned restaurants most of his life, all kinds from greasy spoon to tablecloth with full bar. When he opened his last one, he sent out invitations to his grand opening. He sent them to any- and everyone we knew. Later he put in a stage and had bands come in to play on Friday and Saturday … [Read more...]
Why You Want Just 1 Person To Read Your Ads
February 10, 2011 by
Many business owners simply don’t understand good marketing and advertising. Although marketing and advertising goes out “en masse” to thousands of people at once, it is read by one person at a time. For some reason, business owners seem to overlook this important distinction. When you write your … [Read more...]
3rd day of GKIC Social Media Money Magnet
August 11, 2010 by
[wpvideo nsf8c7Sq]Here is day 3. Want more contact me at … [Read more...]