March 10, 2025

Get Cheap Money

Good Morning I got a letter in the mail a few days ago asking me to come back. I was a customer of a service we used at home and discontinued a few years ago. They offered us a very low price for the first 12 months of service. They will also give us a $100 VISA gift card. Wow! Then I got a post … [Read more...]

The Teacher Will Appear

Good Morning You've heard the saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." I sure have, many times. In life, when you need to learn something, a person is there to help you. All you have to do is be open to look for and receive the help. You may be wondering why I bring this … [Read more...]

Your marketing, school buses and cops

Good Morning Contact First Name As you read this weekly email, grab a pen and paper and make some notes on what action you will take by reading this email. Vacation time and summer is almost over. In areas around here (Texas) most schools start this coming Monday. That means people get back to … [Read more...]

New Way To Get Customers

Good Morning  Warning: This week's marketing tip could tee you off! It should take only a few minutes to read this weekly email, so stop what you're doing, grab a pen and paper to make some notes on what action you will take by reading this email, even if it means sending me an email. When I … [Read more...]

Wrong Customers?

Good Morning  It should take only a few minutes to read this weekly email, so stop what you're doing, grab a pen and paper to make some notes on what action you will take by reading this email. My parents would sometimes say about a person that they don't have two pennies to rub together. The … [Read more...]

Bad Way To Get Envelopes Opened

Good Morning I've been getting mail with the correct company and address but with someone else's name on it. I thought it would make a great weekly tip until I talked to a friend who also owns a business and who is also getting letters wrongly addressed. Even Charter Communications, from whom I … [Read more...]